Yes, God works through visions, dreams and angels, but the other 90% of the time he works through ordinary people like you and me.
Read through the Bible, how many times did he send an angel? How many times did he talk to some through dreams? And when that happened, what was next? The person with that experience was the one to share the message.
So what am I trying to say? I’m simply pointing out that God works through people to reach people. Maybe instead of waiting for a dream, listen to your Pastor, or your Leaders, or your mentor, or your Christian friends. Instead of looking for a sign in random places, look for direction in known sources.
Here’s what I mean, God reached out to Moses through a burning bush, and then Moses reached out to the Israelites as the voice of God. God communicated with the prophets through visions and dreams, then the prophets went out to the people as the voice of God. Jesus resurrected in the presences of his disciples and many others, then the disciples went out and preached the Good News as the voice of God. Saul of Tarsus heard the voice of the Lord, then he became the voice of the Lord for the multitude of people he preached his message to and brought to Christ.
I am not however telling you to disregard the other methods, but more so encouraging you to believe in the people placed around you. As Paul said, do not consider yourself to be better than anyone (Romans 13:3-4, Galatians 6:3 ).
Also, don’t think yourself so high and mighty that other people can’t correct you, guide you, or discipline you. God disciplined Balaam through a donkey, David through a prophet (Nathan), and Esther through her uncle (Mordecai).
Finally, be careful your thoughts towards the positions God has assigned people: specifically your Pastor. Remember what happened to Mariam when she rebelled towards Moses, To Eli’s family line because of his son’s misconduct in their priestly duties, and to King Saul because he did not seek out a prophet but consulted mediums instead. God really cares about the organizational structures he’s put in place, and would not that anyone should mock him in disregard to these things.
Yes, signs and wonders, dreams and visions, and angelic visitations happen, but those are more rare than another ordinary looking individual coming to you as the voice of God for that situation.