
The Responsibility of Stewardship

Cyntia Seumo - February 19, 2024

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.“ Luke 16:10 NLT

How you steward what you have speaks a lot to how much you can handle. If you can’t steward the simple things well, then how do you hope to be trusted to steward the bigger things?

If you’re faithful in little, then you will in fact be faithful with much. If you know how to handle things well even when you don’t have much, then when you get better things you will handle them well.

I’m not just talking about money. If you can take good care of an old simple car, you will take good care of a new extravagant car. You can take care of a small apartment well, then you can handle a house.

What are you currently praying for? Have you shown yourself faithful with the things you currently have in preparation of the things you’re waiting for? Have you shown responsibility in your current situation? Will the next level you’re praying for be something you can actually handle?

I remember when the Holy Spirit first placed the desire for a house on my heart. I was excited, but I also didn’t know if I would be able to handle it. He then reminded me that I’ve been faithful in keeping my apartment, so I would be able to handle a house as well. He encouraged me to continue to take good care of my apartment while I wait for the next thing.

While the house is a bit more work, I have been able to steward it well indeed. It also made me to look back and think about the progression of each place I’ve lived, it went from good, to better to best. I know and I’m grateful that there is even more to come.

So, in everything, aim to be a good steward. When you handle responsibility well you will be amazed at all the different things that will be accessible to you.

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