
Compassion outside of circumstance

Cyntia Seumo - July 17, 2024


Despite what you’re going through, display compassion for others. Jesus when they came to arrest him, still put the ear of the soldier back after Simon cut it off. He still showed compassion to his accusers, to the pained, to the ones in need.

He despised not the cross because he had compassion for the world which he wanted to give himself up for. The Love of God is so vast and selfless. As people in Christ, we should be able to exemplify these same traits. Christ in us is the hope of glory. We have victory over our circumstances because we have Christ.

So, no matter what you’re going through, remain compassionate. As you care for others, know that your heavenly Father is also taking care of you. You are not missed in the tapestry that is the masterpiece of our heavenly master.

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