Therefore speak I to them in parables, because seeing, they see not, and hearing, they hear not, neither do they understand. Matthew 13:13
Communication is defined by Oxford as: the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings or of giving people information. There are multiple forms of communication, speech, writing, videos, etc. The problem is that, though one can communicate, it doesn’t mean they are understood.
What’s the point of communicating if it’s not to be understood? How do you build any kind of relationship without understanding? Also, how do you build a relationship with someone without mutual communication attempts? If someone is constantly giving a monologue I dare say no relationship is being built. Even a student and a teacher require mutual attempts at communicating. Otherwise, it’s just a performance.
How often do you find yourself holding a performance before God? If in your prayer you’re too busy expressing yourself, and not worried about hearing from God, you’re not really building a relationship there, you’re performing. Same thing with your relationships. If you’re more concerned about expressing yourself than you are about hearing the other person, no positive communication is being made. You’ll find that most people after a while will even stop listening.
Communication is a sham if it’s not followed by understanding. It’s just as effective as two people talking to each other in a language the other doesn’t understand. I could express myself in Japanese all I want, but if the person doesn’t understand Japanese, they won’t understand my expression.
Additionally, communication also requires both parties to be open hearted towards the other. Otherwise, one might be listening but only hearing what is in their hearts and not what is being said. Maybe your communication is effective, but their hearts are hardened such that no matter what you say, they will misunderstand.
Don’t be the person with the hard heart when you are praying. Gods communication is always effective, but sometimes our hearts are so full of hurt and distrust, that we don’t actually take in what God is trying to tell us. Let yourself be open to communicate with God. Be open to his Word, to his discipline, to his correction, to his guidance. Then watch as your mindset begins to change your life