3 things to Keep in Mind as you grow in your faith

Bible Study

3 things to Keep in Mind as you grow in your faith

Cyntia Seumo | May 23, 2020

1. Have a fear of God not man

Sometimes as Christian's if we're not careful, we can easily get into the habit of always wanting to be tolerable to non-believers. While we should do all things in love, we shouldn't have to compromise who we are and what we believe in. Just because someone is accusing you of being boring, uptight, judgmental, etc. doesn't change the truth of what God has called you: a chosen people, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation (1 Peter 2:9). While in the face of persecution it can be easy to want to take the path of least resistance, but that's not the mindset we should have. We should be bold and follow the examples of Joshua and Caleb (Numbers 14:6-9), Daniel and his buddies (Daniel 3:17-18, 6:13), Peter (Acts 5:28-29) and countless others in the Bible. We are called to do God's will, not man's will. So be prepared for persecution.

2. It's all about Jesus and his kingdom

We shouldn't be too prideful, or selfish but should humble ourselves in all things. When boasting, boast in God who provides us with all things needed to live a godly life in Christ (2 Peter 1:3). Our salvation was a gift, and not earned (Ephesians 2:8-10). Everything we do as Christians is to further the kingdom of God. As Matthew 6:33 states, Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added onto you. This isn't to say that we can't take care of ourselves, or want things like cars, houses, marriage, money, etc. All that is fine, as long as we're not consumed by all these things to the point where God becomes our genie. Our purpose is to serve God, not for God to serve us. And the beautiful thing about God is that if we serve Him, he will take care of us.

3. It's the why that matters not the what

Jesus cares more for the state of our heart than the actions that we do. If we are following his commandments for self-righteous reasons and not out of love for him, then it doesn't mean much (1 Samuel 16:7). Empty religious actions pale in comparison to a heart seeking after God (Matthew 9:13). In everything that we do, we should seek God whole heartily and when we do, we will find him for he draws near to those who seek him (Psalm 34:17-18, Matthew 7:7-8). Keep your prayer life active, and cultivate a relationship with Him. Once you have that relationship, all the do's and don'ts won't seem like such a burden (Matthew 11:28-29).

Work at your faith, and you will be amazed at the things God will reveal to you about who He is.

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